Sis 8th September 2011

Hello My Julia. You would have loved yesterday.This was spent on a visit to the Olympic park at Stratford.You would not recognise the area.It will be fine once all the building work is over.I went with a group I have never met before but I think it was the wrong group as they did things I was not expecting.Never mind though I enjoyed the visit. After, train to Greenwich and home. Last night to Bexley for a talk about the "Downe Dames" This was how the village ladies made the calendar and raised lots of money for various charities. very light hearted and entertaining. Tomorrow a holiday at Brockenhurst courtesy of Hetty with Jan ,Don and a few others for a week. I just wish you were there.I do miss you. Goodnight my love,be good. Kev Kev XXXX