Sis 24th August 2011

Hello my Julia. It was just over a year ago that we took some of the girls to D & G for fun time. This time because they enjoyed it so much I took the 3 girls and Ellis on friday .(D & G had to be out for the day so we had the run of the place)What a great time they had.Only fly in the ointment was the M25. D & G now in Crete for 3 weeks. Sunday was spent on a walk with the NT from dryhill.(a walk we have done) similar route with the same pub etc. Monday bowls,we drew. Tuesday a complete washout in all ways.Instead did a lot of housework. Wednesday walk over the meadows followed by preparing for your open day here tomorrow. This is for your Charity and hope to raise some funds for the cause. Everything I do you would have loved doing,same as the times before. I do miss you Julia so much. Bye for now my love,look after yourself where ever you are. Kev Kev XXXX