Sis 11th March 2011

Hello my Julia. I think that you planned the Scottish trip just to protect me.You knew what could happen when you booked it up and you could not go. Loch Awe was just as good as last years with beautiful scenery etc. The weather some days were good some bad,plenty of rain etc but not so much snow this time. What I found hard was you not being there and doing things that you would have done or knowing that you were there last year. Many a tear was shed, Only one other person on the tour was in a similar situation to me, the remainder being couples. Do you remember a elderly lady called Mary with her grandson last year?She was on this tour with a ladyfriend and did not care a fig about any others in what she said. This caused a few upsets in the dining room and had to be separated from the other guests.You would have loved it Holiday now all over and back to the real world. Housework and garden in need of attention. Goodbye my love. Kevin,xxxx